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Promi Big Brother

Sehen Sie sich hier die Promi Big Brother-Folge vom 09-09-2016 auf Supermediathek.de an.

Promi Big Brother

Celebrity Big Brother . For the first time in Germany also drag celebrities in the infamous Big Brother container: Sat1 took with Celebrity Big Brother, a show idea that gets people in other countries for years for great ratings. For the first issue of the German version Sat1 could even win some stars, which goes beyond the usual range of C-stars from the trash-TV environment: So, among other things attracted presenter Marijke Amado, actor Martin Semmel rye and scandal noodle Jenny Elvers in the Big Brother-habitation. The biggest surprise, however caused "The Hoff": American star David Hasselhoff is also the honor. Celebrity Big Brother Now!
Will be moderated Celebrity Big Brother Oliver Pocher and purpose weapon Ilka Bessin, which seems to be seen as Cindy aus Marzahn now on every major station. If you missed the last new Aufreger from the container, can of course still get the last episodes of Celebrity Big Brother online at Sat1 and in the supermediathek.de. 
Celebrity Big Brother Now!

Promi Big Brother verpasst? Alle Folgen der Sendung Promi Big Brother hier auf Supermediathek.de ansehen. Promi Big Brother ist ein Fernsehprogramm von .

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Promi Big Brother verpasst? - Mediathek / Now

Promi Big Brother verpasst? Super Mediathek! Hier können Sie sich alle Folgen ansehen. Promi Big Brother ist ein Fernseh-programm von . Alle Folgen der Sendung Promi Big Brother hier auf Super Mediathek ansehen.


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